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Explore the Best AI Newsletters in 2024: Your Ultimate Guide to AI Trends


Bastien Billey

Slashprompt Founder

10min read

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In today's rapidly evolving artificial intelligence (AI) landscape, staying informed about the latest AI trends, news, and developments is crucial. AI is not just transforming technology; it's altering the very fabric of our industries, sparking innovative approaches, and redefining future possibilities. For AI enthusiasts and professionals, understanding this dynamic field is both thrilling and challenging. The best AI newsletters, offering weekly-AI news and insights into the latest AI projects and machine learning advancements, serve as an essential guide in the vast AI landscape.

More than just articles, AI newsletters offer insights into the latest AI models, machine learning breakthroughs, and current AI projects. They combine technical news, weekly analysis, and news articles and information on AI ethics, providing a comprehensive view of AI's progress.

With an abundance of information available, it's vital to identify the most insightful and accurate sources. This guide introduces you to the top AI newsletters, essential for anyone looking to stay informed about AI trends, news, and developments. Whether you're after daily updates, a weekly roundup, highlights of ML papers, or insights into AI ethics, these newsletters are key to keeping pace with the AI revolution, ensuring you're always in the know in this fast-moving field. πŸŒπŸ€–πŸš€

Our team curated the best ai newsletters to keep you updated with everything going on.

Our favorite AI Newsletters

  • Slashprompt: A weekly newsletter for staying updated on the latest AI developments, trends, and tools, with a focus on high-quality content selection.
  • AI Breakfast: Delivered every Monday, this newsletter provides AI news and practical insights, along with actionable advice for integrating AI effectively.
  • The Rundown: A daily newsletter offering concise updates on AI, ideal for both newcomers and enthusiasts, featuring easy-to-follow guides on AI platforms.
  • Big Brain: User-friendly daily updates on AI developments, categorized for easy navigation, with a focus on AI career opportunities.
  • The Neuron: A daily newsletter for business professionals integrating AI, delivered every weekday morning, combining humor with concise AI updates.
  • AI Tidbits: A concise, easy-to-read newsletter covering AI news, trends, and applications, perfect for those interested in applying AI in business.
  • Superhuman: An innovative AI newsletter tailored to your professional needs and interests, offering personalized content in diverse sectors.
  • The AI Solopreneur: A specialized newsletter for solo entrepreneurs in AI, focusing on AI ethics literacy and informed AI strategies.
  • Bot Eat Brain: A daily newsletter for staying ahead in the rapidly evolving AI landscape, providing concise analyses, tool summaries, tips, and entertainment.


Slashprompt's Best AI Newsletters

Revolutionize your workflow with a curated weekly dose of cutting edge AI tools geared to make you unstoppable.

One email, once a week

Slashprompt is a weekly newsletter to stay up to date with the latest ai developments trends and tools. Focused on carefully selecting the best of the best and avoiding getting lost in thousands of low-quality tools.

In addition to the weekly newsletter, Slashprompt offer an advanced AI search to help users find the tools they're looking for based on their intent.

By subscribing to Slashprompt, you'll join a community of AI enthusiasts and professionals who rely on us for the latest AI trends, tools, and news. Stay informed, stay ahead, and explore the limitless possibilities of AI with SlashPrompt. Dive into the world of AI with confidence, knowing that you have go to source for the most relevant and up-to-date information at your fingertips. πŸŒπŸ€–πŸ“°

Subscribe now:

AI Breakfast

AI Breakfast

AI Breakfast is an invaluable resource for anyone interested in AI tools and their practical applications. Delivered every Monday, it offers a unique blend of AI news and practical insights, providing actionable advice for integrating AI into real-world scenarios.

Particularly beneficial for scientists and researchers, AI Breakfast delves into the latest AI research and developments, making it a premier news aggregator for those deeply invested in AI. A $97 annual subscription adds more benefits, such as additional insights, discounts on AI tools and conferences, personalized consultations, and access to an insightful AI eBook.

More than just a newsletter, AI Breakfast is your gateway to staying informed and leveraging AI to its fullest, joining a community shaping the AI future. Stay up to date and integrate AI into your daily routine with AI Breakfast. πŸŒπŸ€–πŸ³

Subscribe to AI Breakfast

The Rundown

The Rundown

Join the fast-paced world of AI with The Rundown, a daily newsletter providing concise yet thorough updates on AI. With over 400,000 subscribers, it's a top source for the latest AI news and tools, offering easy-to-follow guides on AI platforms.

Ideal for AI newcomers and enthusiasts alike, The Rundown offers engaging, accessible information, perfect for staying current with AI trends without overwhelming detail. Subscribe easily to receive your daily AI insights and stay connected with the evolving world of AI. πŸŒπŸ€–πŸ“°

Subscribe to The Rundown

Big Brain

Big Brain

Big Brain is an essential, user-friendly newsletter for anyone exploring artificial intelligence. It offers concise, daily updates on AI developments, organized into categories like AI news, careers, and tools, tailored to your interests. Designed for both AI novices and experts, Big Brain simplifies complex topics, making them easily understandable and enhancing AI knowledge for all.

Notably, Big Brain highlights AI career opportunities and provides valuable advice for professional growth in AI. With over 100,000 subscribers, joining Big Brain means accessing a wealth of information on AI trends latest industry news and job insights, keeping you informed in the ever-changing AI world. πŸŒπŸ€–πŸ§ 

Subscribe to Big Brain

The Neuron

The Neuron

The Neuron is a daily newsletter for business professionals keen on integrating AI into their work. Delivered every weekday morning, it offers concise, engaging updates on the latest AI trends and practical workplace applications, complete with a charming cat logo.

Known for its compact, reader-friendly format, The Neuron combines eye-catching headlines with bullet lists summarizing key AI updates, complemented by detailed yet accessible sections. Its unique blend of humor, evident in witty comments from its cat mascot, adds to its appeal.

With over 150,000 subscribers, The Neuron provides a mix of AI news and insights in a quick, enjoyable read, ideal for busy professionals. More than just a newsletter, it's a daily AI briefing that's both informative and entertaining. πŸŒπŸ€–πŸ“°πŸΎ

Subscribe to The Neuron

AI Tidbits

AI Tidbits

AI Tidbits is a vital newsletter for anyone interested in artificial intelligence, blending the latest AI news, trends, and applications into a concise, easy-to-read format. It's not just a newsletter but a comprehensive guide through the AI landscape, covering everything from machine learning advancements to the newest AI projects and their role in ethics literacy.

Each edition of AI Tidbits provides a mix of technical news, in-depth analysis, and deep learning insights, keeping readers well-informed about AI developments. Ideal for those looking to apply AI in business, stay current with industry news, or explore the AI revolution, AI Tidbits connects you with the AI community. Join a growing number of AI professionals and enthusiasts by subscribing to AI Tidbits for weekly-AI insights.

Subscribe to AI Tidbits



Superhuman is an innovative AI newsletter embraced by over 450,000 subscribers for its unique approach to enhancing productivity and excellence with AI. It stands out by offering personalized content tailored to your professional needs and interests in diverse sectors, including technology, art, and sports.

Superhuman's strength lies in its custom content, aligning with your job role and industry preferences. From ChatGPT insights to AI job opportunities and tool recommendations, it delivers relevant AI updates in an accessible format. This makes Superhuman an invaluable resource for both AI experts and beginners.

By subscribing to Superhuman, you gain access to a world of AI knowledge and tools, staying informed and ahead in the AI landscape with content that matches your professional journey. πŸŒπŸ€–πŸš€

Subscribe to Superhuman

The AI Solopreneur

The AI Solopreneur

AI Solopreneur is a specialized newsletter for solo entrepreneurs in the AI field, offering the latest news, tool insights, and project developments. It's designed to keep you ahead in the fast-changing world of AI, covering everything from machine learning technicalities to practical AI applications across industries.

More than new articles or just news, AI Solopreneur focuses on democratizing AI ethics literacy and providing insights for informed AI strategies. Ideal for those using AI to innovate and lead independently, it's a resource for understanding and fully leveraging AI.

Join AI Solopreneur to connect with others in the AI space, stay updated, and elevate your AI expertise. πŸŒπŸ€–πŸš€

Subscribe to The AI Solopreneur

Bot Eat Brain

Bot Eat Brain

Welcome to Bot Eat Brain, the essential daily newsletter for those keen to stay at the forefront of the rapidly evolving artificial intelligence landscape. This newsletter is perfect for anyone looking to capitalize on emerging trends, invest in cutting-edge companies, or harness powerful AI tools to gain a competitive edge. 🦾

Bot Eat Brain is committed to keeping you informed with a free daily email that encapsulates the most crucial AI news. The team works diligently to stay abreast of the entire AI field, distilling the most interesting, groundbreaking, and revolutionary stories into a convenient 5-minute daily read.

Here's what you can expect from each issue:

  • Concise analyses of the top 2-3 stories of the day.
  • Brief summaries of a variety of tools, research papers, and updates on startups, all condensed into one or two sentences.
  • Handy tips and strategies for integrating AI into your workflow, enhancing your productivity.
  • And for a lighter touch, enjoy entertaining content like standout AI-themed social media posts, memes, or pieces of generative art.

With Bot Eat Brain, you're not just staying updated; you're staying ahead in the dynamic world of AI. πŸŒπŸ€–πŸš€

Subscribe to Bot Eat Brain

Weekly Dose Of AI

Revolutionize your workflow with a curated weekly dose of cutting edge AI tools geared to make you unstoppable.

One email, once a week

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